
Consultation Info.:049-228-3411

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Department of Anesthesiology

October 15,2024 Update


The Saitama Medical Center is one of the leading university hospitals in the country with three departments, the Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, the Center for Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, and the Medical Helicopter Base Hospital, and the Department of Anesthesiology has evolved in combining with the hospital function. In the operating room, an anesthesiologist manages anesthesia in most surgeries, excluding simple local anesthesia. An anesthesiologist is on duty at all times in the intensive care room and works with the doctors involved in the whole body management of patients with severe internal medicine, and not only after major surgery. The Department of Anesthesiology has a full-time obstetric anesthesia division and is actively involved in the treatment of not only caesarean operations and painless delivery, but also with mothers from the early stages of pregnancy to childbirth and even newborn babies.

In the pain clinic, we cooperate with the doctors of Oriental Medicine in the outpatient clinic at the Saitama Medical University Kawagoe Clinic. In addition, we are involved in almost all areas where anesthesiology can be involved, including medical helicopter doctors and cardiopulmonary resuscitation regular training. In this way, the Department of Anesthesiology at the Saitama Medical Center is involved in safe and high-quality systemic management in a wide range of areas, centering on the four pillars of operating room anesthesia, intensive care room management, maternity anesthesia, and the pain clinic.

Patient care at our department

Operating Room Anesthesia
We manage anesthesia according to the patient's condition so that surgery is performed safely for more than 7,000 surgeries per year. We will examine the patient and plan the anesthetic method before the surgery. You may be asked to visit an outpatient clinic prior to anesthesia (by appointment only), depending on your chronic illness and its degree. The anesthesia is adjusted during the surgery according to the situation of the operation and the patient's condition. We prepare for the case of unforeseen circumstances. Postoperative rounds are performed after surgery to confirm that there are no complications from the anesthesia. Please let us know if you have any comments related to anesthesia or surgery.
Intensive care
The Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine at the Saitama Medical Center has a general intensive care room (GICU) on the second floor, and the Department of Anesthesiology plays a part with the doctors in the management of severe patients. From April 2017, we increased from 6 anesthesia management beds to 8 anesthesia management beds and the Cardiovascular Care Unit (CCU)/Stroke Care Unit (SCU) went to 12 beds. As acute medical care professionals, we support medical treatment as a key to team medicine with the main department, related medical departments, dedicated nurses, pharmacist, etc., for patients with cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, and abdominal surgery, and patients who need comprehensive postoperative management, and for patients with serious medical conditions. We also provide advice as appropriate in the Cardiovascular Care Unit (CCU)/Stroke Care Unit (SCU), of which basically an attending physician is in charge.
Pain clinic and acupuncture treatment
For "pain", we diagnose the cause of pain from the symptoms, physical findings and various tests, and then use methods such as neural blocks and medication to relieve the pain. The "Saitama Medical Center" and the "Kawagoe Clinic" in front of Kawagoe station perform treatment. The Kawagoe clinic is mainly an outpatient clinic that works with sports outpatient, osteoporosis outpatient, the Department of Rehabilitation, Department of Psychiatry, and Oriental medicine (acupuncture outpatient, Oriental medicine outpatient), etc., and we carry out the "treatment of pain" comprehensively. At present, initial consultations are not accepted at the pain clinic at the Saitama Medical Center. This is only done at the Kawagoe clinic, and it is a reservation only system.
Obstetric Anesthesiology/labor analgesia
We strive to provide safe anesthesia for mothers and children in order to create an environment in which children can be born and raised with peace of mind. We primarily perform epidural painless delivery, cesarean anesthesia, surgical anesthesia during pregnancy, anesthesia for fetuses and newborns, and severe maternal management. They can get a reservation at the outpatient departments of obstetrics and anesthesiology by telling the obstetrician if they wish to receive consultation during a pregnancy checkup. In addition, they may be recommended to visit our clinic by the physician in charge of their medical treatment.

Target Symptoms

Pain clinic and acupuncture treatment

This is intended for diseases that can be seen in various departments such as the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Dermatology, Department of Otolaryngology, Oral Surgery, Department of Psychiatry, and Terminal care. These include a wide range including herniated discs, spinal stenosis, posttherpetic neuralgia, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, facial cramps, and cancerous pain.

The treatment plan is based on the diagnosis obtained based on the properties of the pain and the neurological findings and is centered on neural block treatment, and the treatment is carried out with an appropriate combination of analgesic auxiliary medicine and opioid analgesics.

Blocks that can be carried out in our department

Echo guide method block
  • Brachial plexus block
  • Stellate ganglia block
  • Intervertebral joint block
  • TAP block
  • Lumbar plexus block
  • Articulatio sacroiliaca block
  • Intercostal nerve block
  • PECS/PECS II Block
  • Saphenous nerve block
  • Bursa subacromialis block
  • Suprascapular nerve block
  • Trigeminal nerve block
  • Pulse treatment, etc.
Landmark method block
  • Lumbar epidural block
  • Sacral epidural block
  • Intervertebral joint block
  • Trigger point block
  • Intraarticular injection
Perspective block
  • Nerve root block/pulse treatment
  • Lumbar plexus block
  • Intervertebral contrast
  • Intervertebral joint block

Treatment results

2016 [Operating Room Anesthesia]
Total number of surgeries 7,757
Department of Anesthesiology managed number 6,633
2016 [Intensive Care Unit]
Total number of patients entering the intensive care unit 824
Postoperative management 797
2019 [Department of Obstetric Anesthesiology]
Number of obstetric anesthesiology cases 811
Anesthesia for Caesarean delivery 518
Pain relief during labor (neuraxial analgesia) 93
Anesthesia for non-obstetric surgeries during pregnancy 80
Anesthesia for fetal treatment 7
Anesthesia for postpartum transfer patients 37
Anesthesia for Assisted Reproductive Technologies 76
Obstetric anesthesia consultation 751
2016 [Pain Clinic]
Number of perspective blocks 1,371
Nerve root block 371
Intervertebral joint block 249
Articulatio sacroiliaca block 83
Epidural block 161
Epidural washing 10
Lumbar plexus block 304
Thoracic side spine block 57
Radiofrequency thermocoagulation 123
Other 13

Medical staff(Anesthesiology)

Name Job Title Position Specialized Field Credentials
小山 薫
(Koyama Kaoru)
Professor Chief of Clinical Services
Chief of Education
Intensive care
Pain Therapeutics
Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
Board Certified Intensivist
Board Certified Pain Clinicians
Board Certified Cardiovascular Anesthesiologist
小幡 英章
(Obata Hideaki)
Professor vise chief director of clinical practice
subhead of research
Pain Therapeutic
Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Board Certified Pain Clinicians
Board Certified Regional Anesthesiologist
鈴木 俊成
(Suzuki Toshinari)
Associate Professor Vice-Chief of Education Anesthesiology Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
Board Certified Regional Anesthesiologist
加藤 崇央
(Kato Takao)
Associate professor Chief of Research Anesthesiology
Intensive care
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
Board Certified Intensivist
清水 健次
(Shimizu Kenji)
Assistant Professor Manager of Outpatient Services Anesthesiology
Pain Therapeutics
Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
Board Certified Pain Clinicians
丸尾 俊彦
(Maruo Toshihiko)
Assistant Professor Manager of Inpatient Services Anesthesiology
Pain Therapeutics
JSA Qualified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
Board Certified Pain Clinicians
山家 陽児
(Yanbe Youji)
Assistant Professor Manager of
Outpatient Services
Pain Therapeutics
Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
佐々木 麻美子
(Sasaki Mamiko)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist Anesthesiology
Pediatric Anesthesiology
Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
JSPA Qualified Anesthesiologist
田澤 和雅
(Tazawa Kazumasa)
Instructor Manager of Residency Programs
Department of Hematology
Anesthesiology Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
北岡 良樹
(Kitaoka Yoshiki)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist Anesthesiology
Cardiac Anesthesiology
Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
Board Certified Cardiovascular Anesthesiologist
佐々木 華子
(Sasaki Hanako)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist Anesthesiology Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
原口 靖比古
(Haraguchi Yasuhiko)
Instructor Manager of General Affairs
Department of Hematology
Anesthesiology Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
杉本 真由
(Sugimoto Mayu)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist Anesthesiology
Pain Therapeutics
Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
Board Certified Pain Clinicians
金子 友美
(Kaneko Tomomi)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist Anesthesiology Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
黒川 右基
(Kurokawa Yuuki)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist Anesthesiology
Intensive care
Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
黒木 将貴
(Kuroki Masataka)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist Anesthesiology
Cardiac Anesthesiology
Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
岡田 啓
(Okada Akira)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist Anesthesiology
Pediatric Anesthesiology
Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
JSPA Qualified Anesthesiologist
松浦 千穂
(Matsuura Chiho)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist Anesthesiology Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
大久保 訓秀
(Okubo Kunihide)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist Anesthesiology
Intensive care
Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
Board Certified Intensivist
永井 隆文
(Nagai Takafumi)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist Anesthesiology JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
横谷 円
(Yokotani Madoka)
Instructor Staff Physician Anesthesiology Registered Anesthesiologist
木村 亜紀子
(Kimura Akiko)
Instructor Staff Physician Anesthesiology Registered Anesthesiologist
篠﨑 奈可
(Shinozaki Naka)
Instructor Staff Physician Anesthesiology JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
荻野 礼眸
(Ogino Raimu)
Instructor Staff Physician Anesthesiology
Acute Medicine
奥田 理沙
(Okuda Risa)
Instructor Staff Physician Anesthesiology
柴田 実央子
(Shibata Mioko)
Instructor Staff Physician Anesthesiology
濱岡 育海
(Hamaoka Ikumi)
Instructor Staff Physician Anesthesiology
清水 隆宏
(Shimizu Takahiro)
senior resident Staff Physician Anesthesiology
下野 咲季子
(Shimono Sakiko)
senior resident Staff Physician Anesthesiology
田中 翔也
(Tanaka Shoya)
senior resident Staff Physician Anesthesiology
山髙 大樹
(Yamataka Daiki)
senior resident Staff Physician Anesthesiology
齋藤 由希子
(Saito Yukiko)
senior resident Staff Physician Anesthesiology Registered Anesthesiologist
(兼)山口 智
(Yamaguchi Satoru)
Associate Professor Eastern medicine(acupuncture)
(兼)小山 愛
(Kouchi Ai)
Associate Professor Eastern medicine(acupuncture)
(兼)堀部 豪
(Horibe Gou)
Associate Professor Eastern medicine(acupuncture)
宮尾 秀樹
(Miyao hideki)
Visiting Professor Anesthesiology
Intensive careperioperative infusion
官川 響
(Hirokawa Touru)
Visiting Instructor Anesthesiology
源田 正
(Genda Tadashi)
Visiting Instructor Anesthesiology
齋藤 利恵
(Saitou Toshie)
Visiting Instructor Anesthesiology
渡邉 大智
(Watanabe Taichi)
Visiting Instructor Anesthesiology
Cardiac Anesthesiology
伊野田 絢子
(Inoda Ayako)
Visiting Instructor Anesthesiology
Intensive care
Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
Board Certified Intensivist
高橋 綾子
(Takahashi Ayako)
Visiting Instructor Anesthesiology Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
(兼)松浦 悠人
(Matsuura Yuuto)
Visiting Instructor Eastern medicine(acupuncture)
(兼)井瀬 美由季
(Ise Miyuki)
Visiting Instructor Eastern medicine(acupuncture)
粟田 実波
(Awata Mina)
senior resident Staff Physician Anesthesiology
小泉 皓子
(koizumi hiroko)
senior resident Staff Physician Anesthesiology
富澤 佳子
(Tomizawa Yoshiko)
senior resident Staff Physician Anesthesiology

Medical staff(Obstetric Anesthesiology)

Name Job Title Position Specialized Field Credentials
照井 克生
(Terui Katsuo)
Professor Deputy Hospital Director
Vice-Chief of Clinical Services
Obstetric Anesthesia
Labor Analgesia
Medical Education
Fellow of Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists
JSA Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
(MHLW in Japan)
Clinical Instructor Program
J-CIMELS Instructor
金子 恒樹
(Kaneko Koki)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist
Manager in Inpatient Ward
Obstetric Anesthesia
Labor Analgesia
Simulation in Medical Training
Fellow of Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists
JSA Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
(MHLW in Japan)
Clinical Instructor Program
田村 和美
(Tamura Kazumi)
Instructor Staff Anesthesiologist
Manager in Outpatint Clinic
Obstetric Anesthesia
Labor Analgesia
Perinatal Anesthesia Assessment
Fellow of Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists
JSA Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
(MHLW in Japan)
野口 翔平
(Noguchi Shohei)
Instructor Fellowship director General Anesthesia
Obstetric Anesthesia
Obstetrics and Gynecology
JSA Board Certified Anesthesiologist
JCOG Board Certified obstetrician and gynecologist
Board Certified Regional Anesthesiologist
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
渡辺 楓
(Watanabe Kaede)
Instructor Staff Physician Obstetric Anesthesia
Cirical Care
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist (MHLW in Japan) Board Certified Intensivist
成田 優子
(Narita Yuko)
Visiting Instructor Obstetric Anesthesia JSA Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
(MHLW in Japan)
佐藤 達也
(Sato Tatsuya)
Visiting Instructor Obstetrics & Gynecology
Maternal Fetal Medicine
Fetal Diagnostic Sonography
JSOG Board Certified Specialitst
JSPNM Board Certified Obstetrician
Board Certified Echocardiographer for Fetal Heart Disease
Designated Physician of Maternal Protection Law
星野 裕子
(Hoshino Yuko)
Visiting Instructor Obstetric Anesthesia JSA Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
(MHLW in Japan)
加藤 梓
(Kato Azusa)
Instructor Staff Physician Obstetric Anesthesia JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
吉田 由惟
(Yoshida Yui)
Instructor Staff Physician Obstetric Anesthesia
obstetric emergency
Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
瀧口 洋司
(Takiguchi Yoji)
Instructor Clinical Fellow Anesthesiology Registered Anesthesiologist
辻 史子
(Tsuji Chikako )
Instructor Clinical Fellow Anesthesiology Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
黒田 瑞江
(Kuroda Mizue)
Instructor Clinical Fellow Obstetric Anesthesia Board Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist
JSPA Qualified Anesthesiologist
畑山 裕生
(Hatayama Yuki )
Instructor Clinical Fellow Obstetrics & Gynecology
松田 祐典
(Mazda Yusuke)
Visiting Associate Professo Chief of Clincial Service
Vice Chief of Research (Department of Anesthesiology)
Vice Chief of Education (Department of Anesthesiology)
Obstetric Anesthesia Fellowship Director
Obstetric Anesthesia
Quality Improvement
Perioperative Point-Of-Care Ultrasound
Fellow of Japanese Society of Anesthesiologists
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist (MHLW in Japan)
Clinical Instructor Program
Excellence in Quality Improvement Certificate Program
久保 拓之
(Kubo Takuyuki)
Visiting Instructor
岡田 久乃
(Okada hisano)
Instructor Clinical Fellow Anesthesiology Fellow of the JSA
JMSB Certified Anesthesiologist
Registered Anesthesiologist

Outpatient clinic

Department of Anesthesiology
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

丸尾 俊彦
(Maruo Toshihiko)
丸尾 俊彦
(Maruo Toshihiko)

小内 愛
(Kouchi Ai)

菊池 友和
(Kikuchi Tomokazu)
小内 愛
(Kouchi Ai)


To the Medical Institutions

At the Department of Anesthesiology at the Saitama Medical Center we develop excellent clinicians who can manage the whole body in a wide range of areas through training in surgery room anesthesia, intensive care unit, obstetric anesthesia and pain clinic.

Our Department of Anesthesiology is the main facility responsible for the anesthesiology specialist training, which is conducted according to the training program (Saitama Medical Center, Department of Anesthesiology specialist training program) of the Anesthesia Science Society certification. We have sufficient experience and you can train with us with confidence. After completion of tenure of senior residents, University Hospital staff or affiliated hospital staff can continue working as a full-time physician (assistant professor).

They can also obtain specialist medical qualifications such as Japan Anesthesia Society certified physician -specialist physician- as well as supervisor, intensive care specialist, pain clinic certified physician, or cardiovascular anesthesia specialist. In addition, we regularly hold AHA certified BLS, ACLS, and PALS courses, and there is a path to becoming an AHA instructor.

In the Department of Obstetric Anesthesiology, there is also a program to nurture leaders in the future of obstetric anesthesia called the "Kawagoe Perinatal Anesthesia Fellowship."
For details, please refer to the Department of Anesthesiology website.別ウィンドウで開きます

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