
Consultation Info.:049-228-3411

Number Info.:049-228-3400

▶Contact information

Department of Ophthalmology

October 16,2024 Update


Ophthalmology is the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the eyeball, which is important to be able to see things with sight and vision, as well as the adnexa of the eye, such as the eyelid and the orbital cavity. Our eyeballs are about the same size as a 10 yen coin. Hundreds of millions of cells with various functions are lined up coherently in this small eyeball. A slight disturbance of these cells can make for poor vision and can affect daily life.

Cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and retinal detachment are eye-specific disorders, but systemic diseases can also affect the eyes. For example, diabetes and high blood pressure can interfere with the blood vessels of the retina or optic nerve and significantly affect the visual function. Rheumatoid arthritis may cause a dry eye, corneal ulcers, and scleritis. With hyperthyroidism (Graves disease), the eyelid may swell or you may see things double. As a general hospital, we work with each department of internal medicine, such as the Department of Neurology, and the other related departments such as Department of Otolaryngology, and Department of Neurosurgery to perform blood tests and image examination such as CT, MRI and so on as necessary, while considering the health of the patient's whole body.

Ophthalmology is conducted using a variety of examination equipment, and doctors work together with visual ability trainers and nurses. We work wholeheartedly on the patient's care, considering patients every day so that they can receive medical care with peace of mind. As a university hospital, we strive to provide the correct diagnosis and proper treatment, with safe, reliable and high-quality medical care and patient satisfaction. We look forward to your support.

Patient care at our department

There are ophthalmic diseases that can be treated with medication such as eye drops, local injections, and systemic administration, etc. and some diseases that require surgery to cure.

  • Cataract surgery has required hospitalization for 2 nights and 3days.
  • We introduce state-of-the-art equipment and perform small incision invitreous surgery using a wide-angle observation system for various retinal diseases that require surgery, such as retinal detachment, macular holes, epiretinal membranes, vitreous hemorrhage due to diabetic retinopathy, and traction retinal detachment, etc.
  • Corneal ulcers and keratitis are mainly treated with eye drops as an outpatient, but in severe cases, the patient may be hospitalized for intravenous treatment. The patients with uevitis such as Harada's disease, optic neuritis, and inflammatory diseases such as thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy are hospitalized and treated with steroid pulse therapy.
  • In principle, outpatient surgery is performed for eyelid diseases such as eyelid ptosis and eyelid entropion, as well as conjunctival diseases such as pterygium, and small tumors of the eyelid and conjunctiva. Children with cilial entropion (inverted eyelashes) are hospitalized for 2 nights and 3 days and surgery is performed under general anesthesia.
  • We perform diagnosis of corneal irregular astigmatism by detailed corneal topography, using Anterior Segment OCT (Optical Coherence Tomography), prescription of hard contact lenses for keratoconus, and diagnosis of shallow anterior chamber and angle-closure glaucoma, etc. The insertion of punctal plug is done in serious cases of dry eye.
  • We use fluorescent fundus angiography and optical coherence tomography (OCT) to consider adaptation of laser treatment and intravitreal injections of anti-VEGF drugs for fundus diseases such as diabetic retinopathy and retinal vein occlusion.
  • We also perform vitreous injections of anti-VEGF drugs for age-related macular degeneration.
  • It is a characteristic of our department to treat patients with ocular tumors such as with the eyelid, conjunctiva, and the orbital cavity as well as retinopathy of prematurity.
  • For the initial consultation, you must bring a letter of referral from your doctor to our doctor by 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday. We do not accept initial consultation patients on Saturdays.
  • The fundus may be inspected using eye drops (mydriatic drug) that dilate the pupil. Please refrain from driving yourself to the hospital because this procedure will interfere with your driving to home. If you are wearing contact lenses, please bring your glasses.
  • We accept consultation outside of consultation hours by telephone only when a patient in our department is aware of a sudden change in their condition.

Main diseases

  • Cataracts (including difficult cases)
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Retinal detachment
  • Macular holes
  • Epiretinal membrane
  • Vitreous hemorrhage
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Dry eye
  • Corneal ulcer (keratitis)
  • Herpes Keratitis
  • Keratoconus
  • Corneal dystrophy
  • Corneal irregular astigmatism
  • Pterygium
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Conjunctivochalasis
  • Conjunctival tumor
  • Scleritis
  • Chalazia
  • Hordeolum (stye)
  • Blephartis
  • Eyelid ptosis
  • Eyelid entropion
  • Epiblepharon
  • Eyelid tumor
  • Fundus hemorrhage
  • Retinal vein occlusion
  • Retinal artery occlusion
  • Central serous chororetinopathy
  • Retinitis pigmentosa
  • Uveitis
  • Harada's disease
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Optic neuritis
  • Retinopathy of prematurity
  • Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy
  • IgG4 related diseases
  • Idiopathic orbital inflammation
  • Dacryoadenitis
  • Orbital tumor
  • Dacryocystitis

Target Symptoms

  • Decreased visual acuity (things look hazy)
  • Myodesopsia/Eye floaters
  • Photopsia (can see lights)
  • Glare
  • Eye pain (eyes hurt)
  • Eye mucus/Eye dischage
  • Itchy eyes
  • Overflow of tears
  • Dryness sensation
  • Eyelid Swelling
  • Eyelid mass
  • Inverted eyelashes
  • Things look crooked/Distorted vision/Metamorphopsia
  • Hard to see things in the middle
  • Retinal hemorrhage
  • Part of the field of view looks dark
  • Narrow field of vision
  • Double vision (things seem to appear double)
  • Eyes are protruding

Treatment Results

2022 Inpatient Surgery
Disease name (Number of eyes)
Cataracts 972
Scleral Fixation of Intraocular lens 25
Vitreoretinal Surgery 304
Retinal Bucking 10
Eyelid entropion 40
Eyelid & Conjunctiva tumor 4
Orbital tumor 11
Others 71
Total 1437
2022 Outpatient Surgery (Day Surgery)
Disease name (Number of eyes)
Pterygium 35
Eyelid ptosis 40
Eyelid entropion 25
Eyelid & Conjunctival tumor 70
Orbital tumor 9
Chalazia 24
Lacrimal duct 3
Iris photocoagulation 14
YAG laser capsulotomy 54
Retinal photocoagulation 211
Others 46
Total 531

Medical staff

Name Job Title Position Specialized Field Credentials
小幡 博人
(Obata Hiroto)
Professor Chief of Clinical Services
Chief of Education
Vice-Chief of Research
Corneal/Conjunctival diseases
Eyelid/Orbital diseases
Ocular tumors/Oculoplasty
Diplomate of Ophthalmology
Supervisor of Ophthalmology
Clinical training instructor
西塚 弘一
(Nishitsuka Koichi)
Professor Vice-Chief of Clinical Services
Vice-Chief of Education
Chief of Research
Vitreoretinal surgery
Diplomate of Ophthalmology
Supervisor of Ophthalmology
Clinical training instructor
星 太
(Hoshi Futoshi)
Instructor Manager of Outpatient Services Diabetic retinopathy Diplomate of Ophthalmology
小泉 宇弘
(Koizumi Takahiro)
Instructor Manager of Inpatient Services
Vitreoretinal diseases
Low vision
Thyroid associated Ophthalmopathy
Diplomate of Ophthalmology
山田 布沙絵
(Yamada Fusae)
Instructor General Ophthalmology Diplomate of Ophthalmology
飯渕 顕
(Iibuchi Ken)
Instructor General Ophthalmology
梅田 宗希
(Umeda Kazuki)
小宮山 大輔
(Komiyama Daisuke)
Instructor General Ophthalmology
下野 龍
(Shimono Ryou)
Instructor General Ophthalmology
栁 翔涼
(Yanagi Syosuke)
General Ophthalmology
小野 陽平
(Ono Yohei)
General Ophthalmology
山﨑 厚志
(Yamasaki Atsushi)
Visiting Professor Retinal detachment
Vitreoretinal diseases
Diabetic retinopathy
Diplomate of Ophthalmology
Supervisor of Ophthalmology
河井 信一郎
(Kawai Shinichirou)
Visiting Professor Glaucoma
Retinopathy of prematurity
Diplomate of Ophthalmology
Clinical training instructor
村上 仁司
(Murakami Hitoshi)
Part-time doctor General Ophthalmology Diplomate of Ophthalmology
渡邊 久
(Watanabe Hisashi)
Part-time doctor General Ophthalmology Diplomate of Ophthalmology
広瀬 育隆
(Hirose Ikutaka)
Part-time doctor General Ophthalmology Diplomate of Ophthalmology
佐谷 充
(Satani Mitsuru)
Part-time doctor General Ophthalmology Diplomate of Ophthalmology
丸林 彩子
(Marubayashi Ayako)
Orthoptist Certified Orthoptist
野原 敦美
(Nohara Atsumi)
Orthoptist Certified Orthoptist
万年 夏生
(Mannen Natsuki)
Orthoptist Certified Orthoptist
黒木 麻衣
(Kuroki Mai)
Orthoptist Certified Orthoptist
園部 巧真
(Sonobe Takuma)
Orthoptist Certified Orthoptist

Outpatient clinic

Department of Ophthalmology
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
小幡 博人
(Obata Hiroto)
飯渕 顕
小幡 博人
(Obata Hiroto)
西塚 弘一
(Nishitsuka Koichi)

西塚 弘一
(Nishitsuka Koichi)

山田 布沙絵
(Yamada Fusae)
星 太
(Hoshi Futoshi)
小泉 宇弘
(Koizumi Takahiro)

下野 龍
栁 翔涼
(Yanagi Syosuke)
小野 陽平
小野 陽平
梅田 宗希

栁 翔涼
(Yanagi Syosuke)

星 太
星 太
飯渕 顕
梅田 宗希
佐谷 充
(Satani Mitsuru)
星 太
(Hoshi Futoshi)
山﨑 厚志
(Yamasaki Atsushi)

下野 龍

村上 仁司
(Murakami Hitoshi)
山田 布沙絵
(Yamada Fusae)
渡辺 久
(Watanabe Hisashi)

広瀬 育隆
(Hirose Ikutaka)

小野 陽平

下野 龍
飯渕 顕
山田 布沙絵
(Yamada Fusae)

小泉 宇弘
(Koizumi Takahiro)

栁 翔涼
(Yanagi Syosuke)
栁 翔涼
(Yanagi Syosuke)
小泉 宇弘
(Koizumi Takahiro)

山田 布沙絵
(Yamada Fusae)

河井 信一郎
(Kawai Shinichiro)
小野 陽平

梅田 宗希

小野 陽平

小幡 博人
(Obata Hiroto)

小幡 博人
(Obata Hiroto)

星 太
(Hoshi Futoshi)


To the Medical Institutions

  • Initial consultations are from 8:15 am to 11:00 am Mon. to Fri.
  • On Saturdays, we take care of the people who have repeat visits, and there is no reception for initial consultations.
  • As a general rule, we only provide outpatient care for patients who bring a referral letter.
  • We accept consultations outside consultation hours by telephone only when a patient in our department is aware of a sudden change in their condition.
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