
Consultation Info.:049-228-3411

Number Info.:049-228-3400

▶Contact information

Department of Psychiatry

Descember 9,2024 Update



In the Department of Psychiatry, we specialize in treating a matter of brain and mind. Mental illness often results in a variety of symptoms that can cause problems in your daily life. If you are experiencing a mental health concerns, you might need immediate assistance. We provide appropriate treatments and supports after initial assessment and orientation by taking each person's history.

The department offers mental health care for high school students and older. Junior high school students and the below are in principle supported by the Department of Pediatrics. However, junior high school students with a suspicion of developmental disorders including autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be exception and be accepted in our Department. We keep close contact with pediatrician specialized in neurology, and have a regular meeting with them to optimize diagnostic assessment and treatment.

Patients with dementia will be supported in either the Department of Neurology or Psychiatry. We recommend to visit the Department of Psychiatry if mental symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, aggression and impulsiveness are seen besides cognitive impairments or memory complaints.

No inpatient psychiatric units are available in our hospital. We are dealing with a wide range of mental issues affecting patients who have been admitted in other departments. Psychiatric liaison team including psychiatrists, social workers, psychiatric nurse and psychologists, is designed for providing psychiatric consultation of patients managing physical illness during hospitalization. Furthermore, our liaison team works at the interface between physical and mental health and goes above and beyond merely treating mental issue.We are coordinating with all other departments to improve the quality of medical care by corresponding with the Department of Emergency Medicine (ER) about self-harm patients, with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Center for Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine about postpartum depression, and with the Department of Nephrology and Hypertension about dialysis patients. In Psychiatry, there has been great progress over the past 10 years. We are dedicated to helping patients and families affected by mental illness with the latest medical knowledge and our best efforts.

Patient care at our department

Make an Appointment
The first step to see a doctor is to call 049-228-3605 (Monday-Saturday except holidays) or stop by our outpatient reception. If you cannot keep any appointments or would like to change the date or time, please change or cancel your appointment by phone or in person.
No inpatient treatment options are available.
Patients who require impatient treatment will be admitted by any hospitals with impatient programs.
What to bring with you for your first appointment.
  1. Health insurance card
  2. A list of your current medications (prescription and over-the-counter drugs, etc.) including the dosage and frequency
  3. Referral letter
  4. Medical questionnaire
If you have a list of your current medications, please bring it for your first appointment. We may provide an examination if you don't have a referral letter, but an additional fee for the first appointment (outside health insurance) will be charged. If you don't have the completed medical questionnaire, the form is available at our reception desk. Please arrive a half hour before your scheduled appointment. This allows time for patient registration.
Please complete and bring the questionnaire for your first visit.
You can download the form here:
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Word versionワードファイルが別ウィンドウで開きます
Medical consultation
Only family members can consult with a doctor when the patient is unable to visit the hospital. Please ask for a medical consultation when making an appointment. Please be noted that health insurances will not cover the medical consultation. The total billed cost will be 4,000 JPY (excluding consumption tax). Also, we cannot issue prescriptions for family members. A medical consultation is not available for current patients in our outpatient psychiatry clinic.
What to expect at your first visit
Prior to the evaluation by your psychiatrist, a doctor in training, medical school student, or clinical psychologist in training will ask you to confirm your details. This includes your social history, family history, past medical history, and presenting complaints. It will take 30 to 60 minutes. Following that, your doctor's first evaluation will take 30 to 90 minutes. Your doctor may suggest blood tests and an electrocardiogram (ECG) before starting any prescriptions.
A reverse referral
When patients' psychiatric symptoms are not acute and remain stable over time, we may refer them from our hospital to a community healthcare provider. It helps promote balanced utilization between health care providers at different levels. Brochures about nearby hospitals and clinics are available at our reception.

Main diseases

  • Autism spectrum disorders (autism, pervasive developmental disorders, Asperger's syndrome, etc.)
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Learning disorder
  • Depressive disorder
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Delusional disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Social anxiety disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Acute stress disorder
  • Adjustment disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Alcohol use disorder (alcohol dependency and alcohol withdrawal delirium)
  • Insomnia
  • Eating disorder
  • Dissociative disorder
  • Dementia (Alzheimer's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, vascular dementia)
  • Epilepsy

Target Symptoms

  • Seep difficulties (insomnia)
  • Loss of motivation
  • Gloomy feeling (depressed mood)
  • Auditory and visual hallucinations
  • Delusions
  • Irritability and aggression
  • Unexplained physical problems, such as palpitations or shortness of breath.

Treatment results

Inpatient (psychiatric liaison) activity(2020)
Name of disease (Number of cases)
Neurodevelopmental Disorders 27
Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders 61
Bipolar and Related Disorders 24
Depressive Disorders 65
Anxiety Disorders 24
Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 2
Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders 144
Dissociative Disorders 1
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders 12
Feeding and Eating Disorders 6
Sleep-Wake Disorders 29
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders 17
Neurocognitive Disorders 298
Personality Disorders 10
Other Mental Disorders (including Epilepsy) 31
Outpatient activity(2020)
Name of disease (Number of cases)
Neurodevelopmental Disorders 78
Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders 35
Bipolar disorder and related Disorders 15
Depressive Disorders 67
Anxiety Disorders 42
Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders 4
Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders 63
Dissociative Disorders 9
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders 25
Feeding and Eating Disorders 3
Sleep-Wake Disorders 23
Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders 11
Neurocognitive Disorders 17
Personality Disorders 4
Other Mental Disorders (including Epilepsy) 43

Medical staff

Name Job Title Position Specialized Field Certification
吉益 晴夫
(Yoshimasu Haruo)
Professor Chief of Clinical Services
Vice-Chief of Education
Dissociative disorder
Higher brain dysfunction
Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
安田 貴昭
(Yasuda Takaaki)
Associate Professor Vice-Chief of Clinical Services
Manager of Outpatient Services
Perinatal mental health
Consultation-liaison psychiatry
community medicine
Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
Clinical Psychologist
Board Certified Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist byJSGHP
小林 清香
(Kobayashi Sayaka)
Associate Professor
(Certified Public Psychologist)
Chief of Research Clinical psychology
Medical psychology
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Certified Public Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
倉持 泉
(Kuramochi Izumi)
Associate Professor Vice-Chief of Research Psychiatry in general
Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society
Board Certified Clinical Epileptologist of the Japan Epilepsy Society
Board Certified Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist byJSGHP
Board Certified Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry educator
梅村 智樹
(Umemura Tomoki)
Instructor Chief of Education Psychiatry in general Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
Dementia specialist of Japan Society for Dementia Research
Board Certified Psychiatrist of the Japanese Society of General Hospital Psychiatry
Occupational physician of Japan Medical Association
志賀浪 貴文
(Shiganami Takafumi)
Instructor Manager of Residency Programs Consultation-liaison psychiatry
Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
Board Certified Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist byJSGHP
Board Certified Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry educator byJSGHP
Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology Dementia Specialist
横山 尚人
(Yokoyama Naoto)
Instructor Psychiatry in general Board Certified Psychiatrist of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
Acute Care Physician
Designated Psychiatrist
山邊 歩
(Yamabe Ayumu)
Instructor Psychiatry in general
李 秉叡
(Yi Byunge Ye)
Instructor Psychiatry in general
飯野 好貴
(Iino Yoshiki)
Instructor Psychiatry in general
田中 大暉
(Tanaka Daiki)
Instructor Psychiatry in general
中島 崇博
(Nakashima Takahiro)
Instructor Psychiatry in general
山口 郁
(Yamaguchi Kaoru)
Instructor Psychiatry in general
城戸 京香
(Kido Kyoka)
(Certified Public Psychologist)
Clinical psychology Certified Public Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
角田 涼音
(Tsunoda Suzune)
(Certified Public Psychologist)
Clinical psychology Certified Public Psychologist
宮脇 優子
(Miyawaki Yuko)
Mental Health Social Worker
Certified Social Worker
大賀 公子
(Ooga Kouko)
(Nursing Department) Liaison Psychiatric Nursing Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
仙波 純一
(Senba Jyunichi)
Visiting Professor Psychopharmacology Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
Board Certified Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist,Psychiatry Educator by JSGHP
深津 亮
(Fukatsu Ryou)
Visiting Professor Psychogeriatrics Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society
Board Certified Psychiatrist of the Japan Society for Dementia Research
堀川 直史
(Horikawa Naoshi)
Visiting Professor Consultation-liaison psychiatry Designated Psychiatrist
松木 秀幸
(Matsuki Hideyuki)
Visiting Associate Professor Consultation-liaison psychiatry
Psycho-oncology/Palliative care
Criminal psychiatry
Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
Clinical Psychologist
内田 貴光
(Uchida Takamitsu)
Lecturer,Part-time Psychiatry in general Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society
Board Certified Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist,Psychiatry Educator by JSGHP
五十嵐 友里
(Igarashi Yuri)
(Certified Public Psychologist)
Clinical psychology
Medical psychology
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Certified Public Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
Accredited behavior therapist
岩山 孝幸
(Iwayama Takayuki)
(Certified Public Psychologist)
Clinical psychology
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Certified Public Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
Clinical Developmental Psychologist
中村 菜々子
(Nakamra Nanako)
(Certified Public Psychologist)
Clinical psychology
Health psychology
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Certified Public Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
嶋崎 広海
(Shimazaki Hiroumi)
Psychiatrist,Part-time Psychiatry in general Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
Medicine Physician of Japan Medical Association
畠田 順一
(Hatakeda Jyunichi)
Psychiatrist,Part-time Psychiatry in general Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist and Trainer of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
Medicine Physician of Japan Medical Association
水野 公仁
(Mizuno Kimihito)
Psychiatrist,Part-time Psychiatry in general
小林 周平
(Kobayashi Shuhei)
Certified Public Psychologist
Clinical Psychology Certified Public Psychologist
Clinical Psychologist
棚橋 伊織
(Takahashi Iori)
Psycho-Oncology Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatristand Trainer of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology
樋渡 豊彦
(Hiwatashi Toyohiko)
Psychiatry in general Designated Psychiatrist
Board Certified Psychiatrist of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology

Outpatient clinic

Department of Psychiatry
  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
安田 貴昭
(Yasuda Takaaki)
志賀浪 貴文
倉持 泉
吉益 晴夫
梅村 智樹
(Umemura Tomoki)
梅村 智樹
(Umemura Tomoki)
吉益 晴夫
内田 貴光
(Uchida Takamitsu)
嶋﨑 広海

志賀浪 貴文
畠田 順一
横山 尚人
(Yokoyama Naoto)
梅村 智樹
山邊 歩

山口 郁
田中 大暉

飯野 好喜


安田 貴昭
(Yasuda Takaaki)

倉持 泉

小林 周平
小林 清香
(Kobayashi Sayaka)
城戸 京香

岩山 孝幸
中村 菜々子
(Nakamura Nanako)

梅村 智樹
(Umemura Tomoki)
安田 貴昭
(Yasuda Takaaki)
安田 貴昭
(Yasuda Takaaki)
嶋﨑 広海
倉持 泉

横山 尚人
志賀浪 貴文
李 秉叡
(I Byonie)

志賀浪 貴文

山邊 歩
倉持 泉
山邊 歩


吉益 晴夫


岩山 孝幸
中村 菜々子
(Nakamura Nanako)

小林 清香
(Kobayashi Sayaka)


To the Medical Institutions

  • The Department of Psychiatry offers high-quality psychiatric and neuropsychiatric medical care. Although our department has no inpatient unit, we are committed to providing safest and satisfying outpatient care possible and psychiatric treatment to people who are inpatients (psychiatric liaison). We offer mental health care for high school students and older. Junior high school students and the below are in principle supported by the Department of Pediatrics. However, junior high school students with a suspicion of developmental disorders including autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be exception and be accepted in our Department. We keep close contact with pediatrician specialized in neurology, and have a regular meeting with them to optimize diagnostic assessment and treatment.
  • Our tailor-made psychiatric care aims to be able to meet patients' and families' needs and preferences by providing medications, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and counseling services by a multidisciplinary team of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychiatric mental health nursing specialists, and mental health social worker. The Department supports patients with virtually every aspect of psychiatric disorders.
  • We are committed to offering supportive psychotherapy with compassion and exclusively provide evidence-based medications after safety and efficacy were confirmed in clinical trials.
  • Clinical psychologists offer specialty psychotherapy services including cognitive-behavioral therapy.
  • Patients are required to make an appointment to receive mental health services at our department.
  • The Department has been recognized for providing different types of treatment plans other than medications while properly using the medications that have been confirmed effective in clinical trials.
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