
Consultation Info.:049-228-3411

Number Info.:049-228-3400

▶Contact information

Infection Control Room

September 2,2019 Update

Basic policy for activities

An infectious disease is a microorganism that invades a susceptible host (person or animal) and causes a variety of infectious diseases. Our basic philosophy is to provide safe and high quality medical care and we aim to be a trusted medical institution in the community, so we believe that the ultimate purpose of infection control is to "protect patients,", "protect medical professionals," and "protect hospitals." Therefore, our Infection Control Room is closely linked with other professions, and the following activities are carried out across the organization to enhance infection control.

In addition, we are also working to improve the quality of infection control throughout the region through cooperation with neighboring medical facilities and by looking at infection control throughout the region.

Main activities

1. Activities in the hospital

1) Activities related to infection control in general

(1) Holding meetings by the organizations that are necessary for the infection control in the hospital

We hold meetings to discuss the current problems and necessary measures for hospital infection control. In addition, we evaluate practices and review the measures.

(2) Manual management (creation) for the prevention of hospital infections

We create and update the manuals necessary for infection control.
(This is based on the latest knowledge and content that conforms to the functions and characteristics of our hospital)

(3) Implementation of a variety of surveillance

We can be aware of the daily standards of our hospital by conducting the following surveillance and are mindful of outbreak prevention such as in the event of a group outbreak with early detection and early response.

  • Various infectious disease surveillance
  • Nosocomial isolates surveillance
  • Resistant bacteria surveillance
  • Medical equipment related surveillance
  • Hand hygiene surveillance
  • Antibacterial drug usage

(4) Regular hospital visits and direct on-site guidance for thorough hospital infection control

We conduct patrols to observe the implementation conditions in the field, and to provide direct guidance as necessary.

Recuperation/working environment, drip, urethral indwelling catheter, ventilator, etc.

(5) Staff education

We provide education for all of the staff and educate the persons in charge as necessary regarding on-site infection control.
* All staff members must attend at least two times per year and we are focusing on staff education to be able to utilize the information for on-site infection control.

Training sessions targeting on-site
  • Conducting training sessions targeting on-site infection control
  • Standard preventive measures and channel specific precautions
  • Prevention of occupational infections
  • Conduct study sessions by subject (from time to time)
  • Other

(6) Recommendations for various vaccinations for faculty members

We recommend vaccinations against infectious diseases, measles, rubella, epidemic parotitis, chickenpox, influenza, and other diseases as a countermeasure for prevention of hospital infections preventable by vaccinations, and take heed to prevention of hospital infections.

(7) Other

  • Academic conference presentations
  • Training hospital infection control personnel
  • General infectious disease consultations

2) Activity by AST (Antibacterial Drug Appropriate Use Support Team: Antimicrobial Stewardship Team) We conduct activities related to the proper use of antibacterial drugs in cooperation with the AST and the Department of Infectious Diseases.

2. Regional activities

1) Regional cooperation with related facilities, etc.

We exchange information and opinions to improve the quality of infection control throughout the region in cooperation with nine medical institutions around the area.

  • ・Conferences with cooperating facilities
  • ・General infectious disease consultations
  • ・Multi-facility infection control support
    (Advice on in-hospital rounds/preparation of manuals)

2) Other

o Hand-washing instruction for educational institutions
We provide hand-washing instruction for preschools, elementary schools, and junior high schools, etc.

Introduction of Infection Control Room Staff

室長 兼任医師 天野 宏一
(Amano Kouichi)
Professor, Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology
The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases
感染症専門医・指導医 他
副室長 専任医師(AST) 大野 秀明
(Oono Hideaki)
Professor, Department of Infections Disease and Infection Control
The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases
感染症専門医・指導医 他
副室長 専任医師 岡 秀昭
(Oka Hideaki)
Associate Professor, Department of General Internal Medicine/Infections Disease and Infection Control
The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases
副室長 兼任医師 小山 薫
(Koyama Kaoru)
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
ICD etc
副室長 兼任薬剤師(AST) 大澤 雄一郎
(Oosawa Yuuichirou)
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
ICD etc
室員 専従薬剤師 灘谷 直実
(Nadatani Naomi)
Department of Pharmacy(Section Chief)
Board Certified Pharmacist in Infection Control ( PIC )
室員 専任臨床検査技師(AST) 関根 進
(Sekine Susumu)
Department of Clinical Laboratory(課長補佐)
室員 専任臨床検査技師 松村 敬依子
(Matsumura Keiko)
Department of Clinical Laboratory(Section Chief)
室員 専従看護師(管理者) 池田 知子
(Ikeda Tomoko)
Certified Nurse in Infection Control
室員 専従看護師 清宮 希望
(Kiyomiya Nozomi)
Certified Nurse in Infection Control
室員 専従事務 北田 政枝
(Kitada Masae)


Infection Control Room

[Regarding the consultation window]

The Infection Control Room has the following consultation service to help improve the quality of infection control in the medical facilities in the vicinity of Kawagoe City. Please feel free to consult with us. In addition, please be aware that the details of the consultation that we receive from you will be saved as a consultation record of our hospital.

[Target medical institutions]

1) Facilities that attend regular meeting in regional cooperation with our hospital
* Regional cooperation related to additional medical fees for infection control

2) Facilities near Kawagoe City

[Precautions when consulting]

1) Please be sure to inform us of the following details

(1) Please be sure to tell us the name of your facility and your name
(2) Please tell us the details of the consultation.

Consultation window

Contact information Support time
About infection control
(Overall Infection Control)
Tel(Direct)049-228-3452 Weekday 9:00~17:00
Weekday 9:00~17:00
E-mail can be received 24 hours a day, but the time zone for replies is above.
About the use of antibacterial drugs メール
Weekday 9:00~17:00
E-mail can be received 24 hours a day, but the time zone for replies is above.
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